Monthly Archives: March 2011

Words Have Meaning — Except for Obama And Liberals

Rush Limbaugh has said it many times, “Words have meaning.”  Unless you’re a liberal, that is.  Then they’re just tools to deceive and manipulate whomever you are speaking to.  There is no shame associated  with telling bold-faced lies, regardless of how utterly ridiculous and unbelievable they may be.  You would think liberals would squirm uncomfortably when faced with their breach of the truth, but they ignore it like a duck ignores the rain.

Following is from an article from Hot Air about comments from Obama, poster boy for slogans and gimmicks, denouncing — you guessed it — slogans and gimmicks.  Normal folks would consider it hypocritical, but to a liberal it is just tactics.

Barack Obama wants America to know that this country can’t move forward on just slogans and gimmicks. No, he wasn’t speaking ironically at the Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner, but as Conservatives 4 Palin notes, he went off of his TelePrompter to try to zing Sarah Palin on “drill, baby, drill.” Unfortunately, Obama’s practically the poster child for the ills he decries:  (Follow link below for video, and to read Obama quote and the rest of the HotAir article.)

via Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air.

Just Who Are The “Extreme” Ones, Really?

Sen. Chuck Schumer accidentally revealed the Democrat budget strategy on a conference call that he was unaware news media were listening in on.  According to a report from Fox News, “Schumer had scheduled a conference call with reporters, but apparently didn’t realize journalists were already on and started giving off pointers on how to talk to reporters about the budget process.”  His instruction to fellow Democrats  was to call everything the Republicans did “extreme.” Continue reading

Algore, The Snake Oil Salesman

Al Gore has gotten filthy rich pulling the wool over the eyes of all the Chicken Littles of the world, and he is laughing all the way to the bank.  Since leaving political office with a net worth of $2M, Al has drummed up over $200M with his scam.  Oh, you stupid, gullible fools.  The only thing “inconvenient” is that all you PC dupes are forcing the rest of us to pay for your silliness.

The following is from an editorial in the Washington Times.  Really great stuff.

Perhaps Mr. Gore knows this (that global warming is a fraud.) Last year, he reportedly dropped $8.9 million on a new mansion in an exclusive California neighborhood perilously close to the Pacific. With six bedrooms, six fireplaces and nine baths, Mr. Gore’s palatial ocean-view estate hardly reflects the carbon austerity he expects from everyone else. He was even caught a few years ago by the Tennessee Center for Policy Research failing to extinguish all of the lights in his larger home during “Earth Hour” in the Volunteer State.   (Follow this link to read the whole article.)

PS  Beware all you who would jump on the “greenie” bandwagon (including wind turbine proponents.)  Look before you leap, or you may step in something.

“Lying Liars And The Lies They Tell”

Do Obama administration officials have no shame at all?  How can they stand before a crowd of people and tell bald faced lies with a smile on their face, knowing full well that no one listening to them believes a word coming out of their mouth?  How do they sleep at night after making such fools of themselves?  What kind of character does a person have to have to lie like that, consistently and continually?  The latest example is Janet Napolitano, bragging about what a wonderful job O had done to secure the US/Mexican border, making life safe and wonderful for all the border residents. Continue reading

US Despot-In-Chief Wages Illegal War

Here is a scathing review, by Jeffery Kuhner of the Washington Times, of Obama’s execution of the Libyan war.  After numerous comments about what Obama has done wrong, he says, “The most disturbing aspect, however, is the intervention’s lack of constitutional and legal authority. It is an illegal war.” Continue reading

EPA Uses Charities To Do Their Dirty Work

The EPA is using charities and The Clean Air Act to propagandize its fight against global warming.  The CAA was intended by Congress to clean up air pollution, not, as IBD Editorials says, “to fight mythical climate change and regulate down to our lawn mowers the so-called greenhouse gases — including that product of human respiration, carbon dioxide.” Obama is using the EPA to end run around Congress, to pass regulations he can’t get through Congress, attempting to thwart the will of the people.  “To hell with Americans!  We’ll do what I want.”  The same attitude we saw with the passage of Obamacare. Continue reading

Biden: We should impeach presidents who launch attacks without Congressional approval « Hot Air

Ya gotta love this post at HotAir about Biden’s comments to impeach any president who would attack any country without first getting authorization from Congress.  Of course Biden’s comment was made when Bush was presidnent.  It’s different now.  I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the room when he and O next get together.  “Joey, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.”

Say, maybe this is why Barack Obama has decided to shave a couple of hours off of his South America tour by skipping the Mayan ruins in El Salvador. With Joe Biden insisting that he would personally take charge of impeaching a President that launched military action against another country without getting authorization from Congress, Obama may feel the need to race back to Washington to keep his own VP from ousting him from the Oval Office.  (Follow the link below to read the rest of the article.  This is just too good.)

via Biden: We should impeach presidents who launch attacks without Congressional approval « Hot Air.

Got Debt? Sell Something.

Here’s a novel idea.  When we get ourselves into a financial jam, scratching our heads how we are going to pay the bills, we realize that maybe it’s time to sell the boat, or that condo that we only stay in one week a year.  It’s that or take a second job.  Since our time is already stretched to the limit, we reluctantly decide to sell one of our prized possessions.  Who else can you think of who might benefit from this sage advice?  Maybe our Uncle Sam?  You wouldn’t believe how much “stuff” he has lying around. Continue reading

EPA Overreaching?

There is at least one struggle where I support both sides, not necessarily their issues or policies, but their right to fight for their cause.  That is the fight between environmentalists and business.  Both sides are needed to maintain balance.  Should one side or the other gain control, the whole country would suffer.  As each group promotes its agenda, it is up to the public to provide reason and common sense to keep them in check.  Should the tree huggers gain too much authority and start shutting down the logging industry, adding ridiculously stringent regulations, putting people out of work, causing product prices to increase, etc.; or should they start closing parks, depriving the public of their recreation; then the public voice will rise up against them and slap them down.  On the other hand, should business gain the upper hand and start being wasteful, or polluting just to save a dollar, throwing stewardship to the wind, chasing after the almighty dollar, then public outrage will snap them back into reality with more regulations and fines, demanding preservation and clean air and water. Continue reading

UPDATE: Furor Over Obama’s Remarks To Help Brazil Oil Development

More outcries over Obama’s pledge to help Brazil develop their oil fields, while blocking the same attempts here at home.  Republicans and oil producers are livid at the traitor, and citizens, all citizens should be, too, if they put aside partisan politics and work for the good of our nation.

Reported at Fox News:

“We have abundant energy resources off Louisiana’s coast, but this administration has virtually shut down our offshore industry and instead is using Americans’ tax dollars to support drilling off the coast of Brazil,” Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said in a statement. “It’s ridiculous to ignore our own resources and continue going hat-in-hand to countries like Saudi Arabia and Brazil to beg them to produce more oil.” Continue reading