Category Archives: Economics

Anti-Business BHO Adds Burdensome Global Warming Regulations — By Executive Order

More hogwash, anti-business, global warming nonsense regulations and restrictions from BHO, by executive order, skirting Congress and the will of the people.  Government telling business how to conduct their business.  Like the government has such a great record.  Worse, BHO, who has never run any kind of business, telling Americans how to conduct their business.  The race is on!  Can America hold on 21 more months?  How much more “Hope and Change” can we stand? Fight, people, fight!

The following from an article at Judicial Watch, Inc.:

All federal agencies and private companies that deal with the U.S. government must identify their vulnerabilities to the impacts of global warming and develop a climate change adaptation plan, as per an executive order quietly signed by President Obama.

That means they must appoint a “climate change adaptation specialist,” participate in climate adaptation workshops and educate every employee throughout the year. Continue reading

Got Debt? Sell Something.

Here’s a novel idea.  When we get ourselves into a financial jam, scratching our heads how we are going to pay the bills, we realize that maybe it’s time to sell the boat, or that condo that we only stay in one week a year.  It’s that or take a second job.  Since our time is already stretched to the limit, we reluctantly decide to sell one of our prized possessions.  Who else can you think of who might benefit from this sage advice?  Maybe our Uncle Sam?  You wouldn’t believe how much “stuff” he has lying around. Continue reading

UPDATE: Furor Over Obama’s Remarks To Help Brazil Oil Development

More outcries over Obama’s pledge to help Brazil develop their oil fields, while blocking the same attempts here at home.  Republicans and oil producers are livid at the traitor, and citizens, all citizens should be, too, if they put aside partisan politics and work for the good of our nation.

Reported at Fox News:

“We have abundant energy resources off Louisiana’s coast, but this administration has virtually shut down our offshore industry and instead is using Americans’ tax dollars to support drilling off the coast of Brazil,” Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said in a statement. “It’s ridiculous to ignore our own resources and continue going hat-in-hand to countries like Saudi Arabia and Brazil to beg them to produce more oil.” Continue reading

Obama Helps Brazil Develop Their Oil, But Blocks The US

Obama is such a (expletive deleted!)  Our country is in such an economic bind right now, high unemployment, inflation starting to creep in, soaring gas prices, just to name a few of the ills keeping our country down right now.  Our fearless non-leader is picking NCAA brackets or playing golf rather than attending to state business.  So while Libya burns, he goes off to Brazil to hobnob with the bigwigs and kick around a soccer ball with the kids.  Then, in a stunning, jaw-dropping speech, in spite of our own oil situation back home, Obama promises to help out the Brazilians develop their oil reserves so we can buy it from them.  (He just got them $2B in oil development loans awhile back.) Continue reading

The Real Battle: Makers v. Takers – Page 1 – Lurita Doan – Townhall Conservative

Ideological budget battles between GOP and Dems in congress mask the real battle erupting across America– the battle between the makers and the takers. Entrepreneurs and other working Americans, the makers, are growing tired of government’s rapacious hand in their financial pocket and they are becoming more aggressive and more outspoken in their protests. Dems should expect this trend to continue.

via The Real Battle: Makers v. Takers – Page 1 – Lurita Doan – Townhall Conservative.

Wind Energy Is Not Economically Feasible, And Costs Jobs To Boot

Here is another story revealing that wind energy is not an economically feasible energy alternative.  IBD cites a study of green energy jobs in the UK and their effect on traditional jobs.  ” (F)or every job created in the alternative energy sector, almost four jobs are lost in the rest of the economy.”  So not only is wind energy much more costly to produce than by traditional methods, heavily dependent on government subsidies to compete, but it costs net jobs, which the taxpayers have to subsidize through unemployment benefits. Studies throughout Europe confirm the findings of the UK report.  Lost jobs are an added hidden cost of green energy. Continue reading

Obama’s America: A Welfare State

The following transcript from the Rush Limbaugh Show discusses the sad state of our nation.  The Progressives are well on their way to destroying this once proud American people, turning us into a third-world entity dependent upon our government for our very survival.  These egotistical, elitist pied pipers are more than happy to accept the charge as our overseers, leading us about with their alluring tune, towards our downfall. Surely our forefathers are spinning in their graves, after having fought so hard to birth and grow the greatest nation on earth, many sacrificing all in the process.  How can so many be so blind, so selfish, to piss away such a great treasure.  We face an ill fate if we do not turn things around.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: “Government payouts — including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance — make up more than a third of total wages and salaries of the U.S. population, a record figure that will only increase if action isn’t taken before the majority of Baby Boomers enter retirement.” Now, we had that chart, we put it up on the website last week, and we showed the three biggest entitlements in this country. We all know Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, but unemployment compensation? The payment of unemployment benefits is almost as high as Social Security in this country. Folks, we are not going to survive as a nation, not the way we’ve been founded, with this kind of sloth and laziness and feeding at the public trough.  (For full transcript, follow link.)

via Obama’s America: A Welfare State.

Rising Gas Prices Are No Big Deal This Time Around

Has anyone noticed the price of gas lately?  Not creeping up, but shooting up.  Has anyone noticed the hue and cry of the media blaming the President, and demanding that he do something about it?  The clamoring is all over the news.  No, wait.  It isn’t.  Why not?  During the last gas crisis when Bush was president, they were blaming him and calling for his head, but now that Obama is in the Oval Office, nary a peep.  What gives? (As if you don’t already know.) Continue reading

All Hat And No Cattle On Spending –

You know we’re in trouble when the Senate majority leader says dealing with a $14 trillion debt might mean the end of cowboy poetry readings in northern Nevada.  (Follow link to read more.)

via All Hat And No Cattle On Spending –

Editorial: Is America Becoming A Welfare Nation? –

More than one-third of all wages and salaries in this country are actually government handouts. We should be alarmed that we’ve become a nation of dependents.  (Read more at link.)

via Editorial: Is America Becoming A Welfare Nation? –