Words Have Meaning — Except for Obama And Liberals

Rush Limbaugh has said it many times, “Words have meaning.”  Unless you’re a liberal, that is.  Then they’re just tools to deceive and manipulate whomever you are speaking to.  There is no shame associated  with telling bold-faced lies, regardless of how utterly ridiculous and unbelievable they may be.  You would think liberals would squirm uncomfortably when faced with their breach of the truth, but they ignore it like a duck ignores the rain.

Following is from an article from Hot Air about comments from Obama, poster boy for slogans and gimmicks, denouncing — you guessed it — slogans and gimmicks.  Normal folks would consider it hypocritical, but to a liberal it is just tactics.

Barack Obama wants America to know that this country can’t move forward on just slogans and gimmicks. No, he wasn’t speaking ironically at the Congressional Correspondent’s Dinner, but as Conservatives 4 Palin notes, he went off of his TelePrompter to try to zing Sarah Palin on “drill, baby, drill.” Unfortunately, Obama’s practically the poster child for the ills he decries:  (Follow link below for video, and to read Obama quote and the rest of the HotAir article.)

via Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air.

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